Dr. Gigi Smith

Dr. Gigi Smith is the founder of a successful business and technology consulting firm that helps organizations increase revenue and improve business efficiency.  Dr. Smith’s experience includes:

  • Former C-level executive
  • Chief Information Officer for small, medium and large-sized organizations supporting up to 20,000 staff
  • Professor of graduate and doctoral students
  • Certified Project Manager
  • Effectively managed hundreds of successful and multi-million-dollar projects


Smith’s interest in business and technology bloomed in college, where she realized its transformative power to influence how people think, work and live. Gigi holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, a Master’s in Business Administration and a Doctorate in Management. Extensively published, her research is well-documented across multiple disciplines including and in addition to technology, leadership, business, management, project management, and marketing.

With her considerable skill set in business, marketing, and technology, Dr. Smith is emblematic of the 21st-century leadership and helping organizations achieve their fiscal and organizational goals.