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Calvina Brown is Co-Founder of the Michael Brown Foundation DBA Chosen for Change. The foundation was formed in 2014 after the tragic murder of their son Mike Brown, Jr. in Ferguson, MO. Mrs. Brown have chosen to turn her pain into purpose and build a legacy in memory of Mike, Jr. with her husband Michael Brown Sr. Their mission of saving lives one day at a time through empowering youth, strengthening families, and giving back has made a very positive mark on the St. Louis community and around the world. During the 2020 pivot through the pandemics, Chosen for Change has made an extra effort to provide a platform, programs, and a place of healing for Fathers, Youth & Families that have experienced the traumatic effects of police brutality and community violence. The Brown’s host an Annual Michael Brown Memorial Weekend around August 9th and developed 3 programs that are making a great impact year-round. The Chosen Fathers Program is for grieving fathers that have tragically lost a child, Chosen Families is for families that have tragically lost a loved one, and Sisters In Purpose, also known as SIPS, is a mentoring program for young ladies ages 12-18. CFC believes in BEING the CHANGE and that it takes a village to save a village. During the 2019 5th Annual Michael Brown Memorial Weekend Mrs. Brown birthed her vision of her as I See You Exhibit: A Tribute to Mike Brown, Jr. Cal’s beautiful traveling exhibit humanizing and honoring his life sparked a great interest in many before its launch and is scheduled to be featured in many cities throughout the U.S. coming soon. As her husband’s Manager, Mrs. Brown travels the world with Mr. Brown for his “A Father’s Perspective” Speaking tours. She facilitates his bookings, managing all of their Foundation promotional items, Speaker merchandise and occasionally joining Mr. Brown on stage as his speaking partner sharing their emotional journey together that articulates the pain of physically being heartbroken and going through this type of trauma as a family. Michael has vowed to keep his son’s memory alive by not stopping his mission. He will never close his mouth on the issues of injustice, police brutality, or community violence. Whether in the media, within our nation’s prisons, in the streets, or on a university stage- Mr. Brown is changing the lives of men, women, and children through his purpose as he shares “A Father’s Perspective.” Mike Brown means CHANGE. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown, Sr. are- Chosen for Change