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Cell: 510-706-7558
Office: 510-480-8187
Cell: 510-706-7558
Office: 510-480-8187
Airline costs, three-day hotel accommodation, and food and catering are all paid expenses by the Love Not Blood Campaign for impacted families of police violence only. To be considered for the conference, you must be a Families United For4 Justice Network member. There is no cost to join the Network. Please call for further details at 510-706-7558.
The FAMILIES UNITED FOR4 JUSTICE CONFERENCE is a three-day event that brings impacted families of police violence together to HEAL and build UNITY power. Hosted by LOVE NOT BLOOD BLOOD CAMPAIGN in partnership with FAMILIES UNITED FOR4 JUSTICE NETWORK, the conference will empower you with crucial support focused on our three core pillars: HEALING, UNITY, & ADVOCACY.
Whether you’re joining us after your Loved One was murdered by the police, or returning from previous conferences attented, we’re excited to welcome you to another empowered reunion to continue your Healing journey. If this is your first step in healing the trauma, congratulations! You’re in the right place. The LOVE NOT BLOOD CAMPAIGN Conference actively directs Impacted Families toward harnessing the power within (HEALING), the power of movement building (UNITY), and the power of civic engagement (Advocacy) to drive transformative change.
Are you ready to make a profound impact on the injustices in policing and beyond? Take the journey that amplifies Your Loved Name, Your Voice, and our collective unity while fostering cultural and political empowerment.
At the heart of our conferences lies the notion of Healing among impacted families of police violence. We believe in fostering “healing” through collaboration and solidarity. Togather, we form an unbreakable triangle that symbolizes our unwavering commitment to support and uplift each other.
We understand the significance of Unity and Power in driving transformative change. The power of our unity is not just a metaphor; it is a reality. Through our conferences, we emphasize the importance of supporting impacted families to bring about positive shifts in policing in America.
Another crucial aspect of our healing conference revolves around impacted families organizing. By harnessing the strength of our collective voices, we enhance impacted families’ “political power.” Our aim is to create safer policing agencies where everyone’s life matters and to contribute to building meaningful policing culture. Advocacy News