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Cell: 510-706-7558
Office: 510-480-8187
Cell: 510-706-7558
Office: 510-480-8187
Dr. Jackson and his associates will support you through the grief process helping you develop the tools necessary to begin your healing process.
Dr. Tony Jackson is a clinical psychologist and co-director of PranaMind. His clinical experience includes tours with Children’s Hospital-Oakland, New Leaf Treatment Center, Oakland Community Counseling and Sunset Day Treatment Center in San Francisco. He established his teaching career at College of Notre Dame (now Notre Dame de NaMur University) as an assistant professor of psychology and at Skyline College, as an adjunct professor. He earned his Ph.D. (1997) in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Health and Multicultural Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley-Alameda campus. As a tenured professor of psychology at Skyline College, he formally coordinated and remains actively involved in the ASTEP (African-American Success Through Excellence and Persistence) program. His teaching experience includes Holy Names University Graduate Counseling program, Chabot College, Laney College and Berkeley City College (formerly Vista College). Dr. Jackson assisted in developing a handbook for the development of culturally sensitive learning communities as part of the GROWTH (Genuine Rebuilding Opportunities With Technology and Humanity)curriculum and assisted in the development of The Adewole Project and the ASTEP Math Academy, at Skyline College. He is co-author of “Psychology: Connections in Theory and Practice 4th ed.” and author of “Black Male Violence in Perspective-Towards an Afrocentric Approach”. In addition, he developed and co-directed the first Brain Training and Peak Performance Project along with Dr. Raymond Jones at Skyline College in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Dr. Jackson brings a wealth of therapeutic experience including working with families, couples, children, group therapy, treatment of seriously mentally ill patients, working with troubled teens, treatment of drug addiction and biofeedback. His research interests and clinical experience also include treatment with a focus on psycho-nutrition (the use of optimal nutrition to stimulate mental and physical health and healing) and brain technologies. Dr. Jackson is a member of the bay area chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists and the International Association of Functional Neurology and Behavioral Rehabilitation.
He has worked as a director of substance abuse prevention for The Multicultural Training Resource Center (MTRC), as a diversity consultant with WEB Associates and a training consultant for University Research Corporation.